this is a pix of the first book I wrote and published through Xulon press... Poetic Prescriptions for Pesky Problems... as you can see on the cover there is a prescription pill bottle, but instead of pills popping out there is little scrolls of paper... poetic prescriptions.
It seems a lot of people take the easy way out and just pop a pill when they have anxiety or depression or a myriad of other things, it's much harder to look within yourself to clear up what is causing these adverse things and find the true solution that will last long after your prescription has run out. We all want to take the easy path, the path of least resistance, the wide road that's already been paved and full or rest stops rather than the road full of rocks, thistles, thorns, and road blocks. Happiness seems to come in a bottle for many, but it's not long lasting, and can make you dependent, damaging not only your body but your psyche... there is a better way, search for it and you will find the answer, if you knock on that door seeking the truth it will be opened.